Pressure Chamber
Pressure chamber
Pressure chamber, also decompression chamber or recompressionchamber, is a chamber made of steel which is used for pressure rise and pressure reductionassociated with diving. Pressure
chambers are used, among other things, to treat peopleaffected by diving sickness, so-called decompression treatment.
Other uses are in so-called surface decompression where thestage peaks in the water are reduced to a minimum and the main part of the decompression takes placein the pressure chamber above the water.
In connection with saturation diving the diver stays betweenshifts in pressure chambers that are printed to a simulated depth corresponding to the depth atwhich the divers are to work. The pressure chamber is located above the water. To and frompressure chambers, the divers are
transported in a diving bell with corresponding overpressure. Decompression is carried out in the pressure chamber after completion of work.
In healthcare, hyperbaric chambers are used, in addition totreating diving sickness, also in connection with the treatment of carbon monoxide and firesmoke poisoning, burns, soft tissue infections and leg ulcers in diabetics. The development ofhyperbaric chambers has been driven
forward as more and more medical conditions are treated inhyperbaric chambers.
Decompression sickness [DCS] , also known as diving sickness,describes a condition in which free gas bubbles form during pressure reductions in the body. Pressure drop sickness is usually categorized into a certain type of diving, but can also begenerated by other pressure reduction
situations. Examples of such are that in aircraft withoutpressurized cabins or spacewalks outside spacecraft.
Decompression sickness can produce bubbles in allparts of the body, which means that there are many symptoms whose effects can vary, ranging fromjoint pain and skin rashes to paralysis and death. Individual sensitivity can vary from dayto day in one person, and different
individuals in the same conditions can thus be affected indifferent ways. This is one of the reasons why the rules for a diver are strict.
Today, diving tables and/or diver computers are used, whichare designed to easily perceive exposure and pressure limits. If decompression sicknessshould occur during a dive, the diver is inserted into the pressure chamber, which is then pressurizedso that the gas bubbles in the body are
compressed and can be aired out. In the case of milddecompression sickness, it may be enough to inhale pure oxygen / O 2 .