
Helicopters in service 4

Helicopters in service

Helicopter 4


A helicopter does not need a prearranged landing site but can land anywhere on a sufficiently large surface.

It can also be equipped with a winch, which means that it does not even need to land, but can rescue those in distress in water, boats or other inaccessible places from a hovering position.


The Air Force acquired 10 Boeing Vertol 107s which were assigned the designation Hkp 4A with first delivery in 1963. The helicopter was based on F 8 Barkarby which became the mother flotilla, and later also on F 15 Söderhamn, F 17 Ronneby and F 21 Luleå which formed permanent air rescue stations.


Detachments were established by F 8 at Berga, outside Stockholm, and in Visby in 1967. When F 8 was decommissioned (1974), these helicopters were transferred to F 17, which took over responsibility for Berga and Visby.


The last flight with Hkp 4 was carried out in January 1992 from

F 17 via Visby to Barkaby for storage and decommissioning.


The Air Force flew Hkp 4 more than 62,000 hours without a breakdown or

more serious incidents.



Crew (5 pcs) Driver (commander + pilot)

  vehicle mechanic/winch operator

  navigator, surface salvager (conscription)


Length:                         13.7 m (24.4 in rotors)

Rotor diameter:             15,3 m

Rotor disk area:            187,2 kvm

Max starting weight:      9,7 ton

Max last:                       4,5 ton / 26 pax

Max load winch:            270 kg

Engines:                       2 st Rolls Royce Gnome H.1200

Engine power:               2 x 1250 hp

Cruising speed:             220 km/t (Max 270 km/t)

Fuel quantity:                3786 liter

Passenger:                   15 stretchers or 28 seated