The minediver in the Swedish Coastal Artillery was ascuba/light diver that evolved from the coastal artillery clearing diver. In2006, the mine diver was renamed amphibious corps amphibious diver and thusgiven other duties. The clearing divers were trained together with thenavy's clearing divers in Skredsvik from the beginning in 1952. In1971-72, the water exercise hall (swimming pool) was built at Vaxholms CostalRegiment (KA1) and the training continued there. In 1974, the name was changedto the Coastal Artillery minediver and thus received other combat duties.
The minedivers were scuba/light divers who dived withcompressed air to a depth of 40 meters (50 meters with fiberglass reinforcedhelmet with surface air during the 1980s and 1990s).
Maintaining Coastal Artillery fixed underwater systems(mines, magnetic loops, hydrophones, etc.)
Salvage objects underwater (mines, boats, etc.) with help oflifting bags up to six tons. Using
explosives for blowing up objects underwater. To search forobjects underwater (using search kite,
cutting plane, etc.). Rock drill, flush (be able to flushcables down the bottom sediment) and extract
away sand, dung, clay, etc. where mines are to be laid out.Lay out marine barriers (wire, chain, etc.
between islands to hinder passage between these). Documentunderwater with sketch wallets and
camera. Carrying out underwater work such as documentation,pipe work, casting, inspections etc.
Minute Laying Divisions
Within the Coastal Artillery, there were ten minelayingdivisions with one minelayer each. After
completing the training at KA1 in Vaxholm, theminedivergroups were distributed to the units and
were located as follows:
North coast, KA5: HSwMS Alnösund (no. 14)
East coast, KA1: HSwMS Arkösund (no. 12), HSwMS Skramsösund(no. 17), HSwMS Barösund (no. 19)
and HSwMS Furusund (no. 20)
Gotland, KA3: HSwMS Fårösund (No. 16)
South Coast, KA2: HSwMS Kalmarsund (No. 13), HSwMS Öresund(No. 18)
West Coast, KA4: HSwMS Kalvsund (No 11), HSwMS Grundsund (No15)
Platoon Commander PC
Platoon Commanders started with 14 months of service. Theywere trained at KA1 in Vaxholm where the students completed their diving coursein the autumn and after 12 weeks of diving course they received their divingbook and a token emblem, the silver frog Anselm, the light diver'spatron saint.
In the spring, they conducted another diving course, then asassistant divemaster and with heavy
duty (rock drilling, flushing, sludge suction and underwaterblasting).
Group Commander GC
Group Commanders started with 10.5 months of service. Theywere trained at KA1 and after similar physical and mental tests that PlatoonCommanders conducted in the autumn, a 17-week dive course began, where PC andGC minedivers were formed to work in divegroups. After completing the training,the group commanders also received their diving book and the silver frog token.