Hewlett Packard-Autotestare
Hewlett Packard-Autotestare
A computer-controlled test equipment (Autotester) for testing electronic devices mounted in all versions of aircraft 37 "Viggen".
The amount of electronics and complexity in future aircraft 37 Viggen increased. As early as 1964, it was realized that it was necessary to automate the testing procedure of devices.
Several years of experimental activity at the then Central Aircraft workshop in Arboga (CVA), showed that it was possible to replace manual test procedures with tests controlled by a computer.
This resulted in time savings, better quality and lower costs.
It was then decided to use automatic testing of the various electronic systems in the aircraft.
The advantage was that units or circuit boards were performance tested in a reasonable time and with sufficient quality. If they did not maintain sufficient quality, they were exchanged for a new working unit.
Requirements were to minimize the number of technicians and maintain maintenance during the aircraft's lifetime.
The equipment would be mobile and used outdoors in war and at road bases
The frequency range covers 0-400 MHz.
The test procedure is controlled by a computer type Hewlett Packard 21MXE, with 128k word memory.
Testprogramspråk: BASIC.
The test programs are stored on disk cassettes that hold 9 megabytes each.
The equipment was placed at the central aircraft workshops in Arboga and on Malmslätt and the flotilla workshops.
Test system specified and developed at Autotestteknik at CVA.
(Central aviation workshop Arboga).
This instance of ATS 10 was used for testing system software and new instruments.
The equipment tried/tested 76 different electronic devices mounted in AJ 37, SF/SH 37 and JA 37 "Viggen".
A total of 12 ATE-10s were produced.