
7,5 cm Tower piece m/57

7.5 cm tower piece m/57


The first type of cannon to be produced directly for coastal artillery.


30 coastal artillery batteries with 3 pieces in each battery were built in the years 1962-1975.


On Gotland, 4 batteries were erected. This piece is No. 1 and has belonged to battery Ljugarn (LN) which was the first facility built in the country.

Other batteries on Gotland were Kappelshamn (KP), S:t Olofsholm (SE 2) and Fårö (FA).


The pieces was placed in an armored tower with an ammunition container and placed at least 5 meters below ground. Series 3 with priority nuclear protection had the best protection against ABC weapons (nuclear, biological and chemical). Battery KP and FA belonged to this series.


Picture 1: Ammunitionselevator

Picture 2: Magazine filler

Picture 3: Facility series 3

Picture 4: Entry to series 3



Shooting range:            12.5km


Rate of fire:                   25 shots/minute


Ammunition:                  Naval target grenade Explosive grenade


Crew:                            (7)



The tower

- Play commander as well as sidedirecter

- Height adjuster

- Charger


Ammunition canister

- Ammunitioncommand

- Magazine fillers

- Ammunitionslangare 2 st